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googlesheets_client_idClient ID. Copied from your application
googlesheets_client_secretClient secret. Copied from your application
googlesheets_access_tokenAccess token. Filled in automatically
googlesheets_refresh_tokenRefresh token. Filled in automatically
googlesheets_auth_codeActivation code. Filled in automatically
googlesheets_valueinputoptionSpecifies how the input should be interpreted.
RAW - User entered values will not be parsed and will be saved as is.
USER_ENTERED - Values will be parsed as if the user had entered them into the user interface.
googlesheets_majordimensionSpecifies how values should be written.
ROWS - row,
COLUMNS - column.
googlesheets_import_limitNumber of imported objects at a time. Default: 100
googlesheets_export_limitNumber of exported objects at a time. Default: 1000

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